About Us

I started making candles to distract myself from changing diapers and running behind my babies everyday. I was so wrapped up in being who my family needed me to be that I was slowly losing my identity. Of course, I became worse before I got better but eventually I did realize that I have to show up for myself before I can be anything for anybody else. So my candles became reminders to myself in the same way my mom used to make me write out scriptures or words of encouragement on a sticky note and put it on my mirror to read everyday. 

Each of my candles are named after a positive affirmation to myself or if I'm feeling sassy and just need to say what's on my mind. I'm determined not to hold in my feelings and this is the safest outlet. I know I can't be the only one who struggles with putting unrealistic expectations on themselves. So you can go on this journey with me and we'll make it out the other side together!


Owner & Maker